该项目坐落于猎德大桥南岸东侧,西北侧均无遮挡,视线极佳,可以一览广州塔,猎德大桥与珠江新城于眼前。本项目建成后,将提供25 层酒店服务公寓一栋及裙房商业,总高99 米。塔楼的体块上,我们将体块分割错置削减了塔楼厚重感。由于建筑矗立珠江边上,在整体立面设计上我们用轻盈的幕墙飞翼交错层叠,暗合珠江之上千帆竞速的壮丽景观。为了回应城市景观,我们在于塔楼顶部80 米处的设置了悬挑泳池,为了使该建筑更...
UNStudio’s design proposal for the mixed-use Hiwell Amber Centre development will cater to the rapid development of Hangzhou’s economic, cultural and technological needs, while accelerating the pro...
Beijing Century City is a mixed-use development of office and residential buildings that will form a new civic nucleus, provide public space at the heart of the site and form physical connections w...
Freedom Plaza will create a new civic and cultural hub along Manhattan's East River, just south of the United Nations headquarters. The development will bring a 4.77-acre public waterfront open spa...
Pixel features 525 apartments together with shops, offices, and amenities, taking an innovative approach to designing residential complexes in the Emirates. Central to this effort is the communal p...
OMA’s design for Xinhu Hangzhou Prism is integrated into the beauty of the surrounding natural landscape. The complex will house a hotel, retail space, lofts and an atrium garden. Hangzhou, the cap...
深圳中洲集团上沙项目毗邻深圳湾,坐拥南部绝佳的湿地景观。这一综合开发项目由两座朝北的标志性塔楼及 3 座向南的豪华服务式公寓组成,5 幢塔楼均位于一幢 4 层高的商场裙楼之上。Located in Shenzhen, the site is in close proximity to Shenzhen Bay with distant views of wetlands towards th...
Marking the dual gateway of the Port of Shenzhen to the south and the Taiziwan Development to the east, Prince Bay Harbor Tower embraces this duality through two façade treatments that echo the jux...
Financial Street Shanghai Railway Station Mixed-Use is a 264,000-square-meter mixed-use complex in Shanghai. The project, developed by Financial Street Holding Co. Ltd., a leading commercial real e...
项目概况 Project Overview项目位于深圳市龙岗区平湖街道,场地原址为工业区,经城市更新已成为平湖金融与现代服务业基地的一部分。聚飞光电大厦占地约4,000平方米,楼高99米,共23层。The project is located in Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen. The site was originally a...