
生活共享装置空间设计 | Helen&Hard



The installation “What we share” is a vision of a sustainable future model for how to build a community and a living environment simultaneously, a place where inhabitants are shareholders and active agents for the development of their residence and what they share. It explores relations between the co-creation of a spatial, material and tectonic living environment, while giving rise to an awareness for what and how we want to share with one another.


Building on the Nordic cohousing model, it combines self-ownership and independent housing units with shared functions and community life. This model was first developed in the Nordic countries in the 1970s and has since spread around the world.

它以北欧合租模式为基础,将自有和独立住房单元与共享功能和社区生活相结合。这种模式最早于 1970 年代在北欧国家开发,此后传播到世界各地。


The installation at the Nordic Pavilion showcases a full-scale section of the first floor of a co-living housing project that includes three interrelated zones. A participatory design process with the current inhabitants of Vindmoellebakken has contributed to the design of the three zones:

北欧馆的装置展示了共居住宅项目首层的真实比例部分,其中包括三个相互关联的区域。 Vindmoellebakken 现有居民的参与式设计过程为三个区域的设计做出了贡献:

1. The private domain and how this can relate to the shared spaces and what parts of the private zone can be shared.

1. 私有区域及其与共享空间的关系以及私有区域的哪些部分可以共享。

2. A sharing layer in front of the apartment that reflects what and how the inhabitants of each apartment want to share and which collective activities they want to unfold.

2. 公寓前面的共享层,反映了每间公寓的居民想要分享什么和如何分享,以及他们想要展开哪些集体活动。

3. A central common space where all the inhabitants can meet that expresses the common interests and desires.

3. 一个中央公共空间,所有居民都可以在这里聚会,表达共同的兴趣和愿望。

SEE MORE (来自)   Helen&Hard