
Made in Pleyel 迷你大都会 | OMA



The two past years, the Olympics Games in Paris were no more than a looming possibility. Today they are a reality. The implications for Pleyel are obvious: located strategically between the Stade de France and the aquatic center to the east and the future Olympic village to the west, the area now holds a pivotal position. Following the awarding of the Olympics, ambitions regarding the regeneration of this part of the city are likely to escalate. Olympics will be activator of a new development logic: Le Grand Paris. In the heat of the summer months of 2024 there will be no distinction. Paris will be all there is, and it will all be Grand Paris.

过去两年,巴黎奥运会不过是迫在眉睫的可能。今天,它们已成为现实。对 Pleyel 的影响是显而易见的:位于法兰西体育场和东部水上中心和西部未来奥运村之间的战略位置,该地区现在占据着举足轻重的地位。随着奥运会的举办,有关城市这一部分重建的雄心可能会升级。奥运会将激活一个新的发展逻辑:Le Grand Paris。在 2024 年炎热的夏季,将也是一样。巴黎将是一切,一切都将是大巴黎。

Ambitions are nothing new to Pleyel. The potential of this area was discovered as early as the 1950s, when a radical modernization plan – an ensemble of four tall towers – was proposed for the area. The current Pleyel Tower, immediately north to the site, was the only one ever realized. The plan is a typical example of twentieth century utopianism: large chunks of the city for a single user, designed by a single pair of hands.

野心对 Pleyel 来说并不是什么新鲜事。该地区的潜力早在 1950 年代就被发现,当时该地区提出了一项激进的现代化计划——由四座高塔组成。目前的 Pleyel 塔,就在该地点的北面,是唯一一座被发现的塔。该计划是 20 世纪乌托邦主义的典型例子:由 a single pair of hands 设计的大块城市供单个用户使用。


Today, the issues are different: how does a small site accommodate large ambitions without being overrun by the type of singular vision, which will inevitably set it apart, and thus isolate it, from the surrounding neighborhoods. Is it possible to entertain large ambitions, without entertaining the large scale? More than fifty years after the Pleyel Plan, we know too well that the city only emerges from a joint effort. A vibrant urban quarter inevitably solicits the participation of many: users and designers alike.

今天,问题有所不同:一个小场地如何容纳大的野心,而不会被单一的愿景所淹没,这将不可避免地将其与周围的社区区分开来,从而将其隔离开来。有没有可能拥抱远大的志向,而不需要的规模?Pleyel 计划实施五十多年后,我们非常清楚这座城市只能通过共同努力才能形成。一个充满活力的城市街区不可避免地会吸引许多人的参与:用户和设计师。

We propose a dense configuration of buildings, with different uses and of different scales. Small towards the existing neighborhood, and larger as they get closer to the railway tracks. The loose pattern of individual buildings allows for a seamless integration of existing buildings that are worth preserving. Each new building stands on its own, but in close proximity to the next, creating a fine grain of circulation in between with a maximum of street frontage, which in turn allows for a maximum mix of uses.



The success of our effort depends largely on the process. It implies teamwork. Ten different young and upcoming French architects are involved in executing the plan. The choreography of their individual design efforts will determine the physical result, which ultimately revolves around two elements: a maximum mix of uses executed by a maximum number of different architects. Together, these will enable the largest possible diversity to occur within this small part of the city: a momentary intensification of the urban experience, transforming the site into a kind of “mini metropolis”.


The 11th and perhaps most important architecture is the landscape. The closer to the existing neighborhood, the greener our plan becomes. The provision of green space in our proposal benefits both the new development and the existing surroundings. The Rue Pleyel is transformed into a kind of Rambla that serves the neighborhood as whole. From there, the green infiltrates the site trough “promenades arborés”, culminating in “places paysages”: spaces designed in conjunction with the buildings, creating a seamless whole between city and park.

第 11 个,也许是最重要的建筑是景观。离现有社区越近,我们的计划就越环保。在我们的提案中提供绿地有利于新的发展和现有的环境。 Rue Pleyel 被改造成一种为整个社区服务的Rambla 大道。从那里,绿色通过“树荫长廊”渗透到场地中,最终形成“当地风景”:与建筑物一起设计的空间,在城市和公园之间创造了一个无缝的整体。


Our own contribution consists of two sets of office buildings for Foncière des Régions, located on either side of the bridgehead. Each of the two joins a number of individual buildings within the masterplan together in a cluster. The progressive range of scales incorporated in these clusters is expressed in the fenestration, making the individual buildings appear like Russian Dolls. The facades – taking inspiration from René Magritte – are made of mirrors, leaving only the actual windows to manifest themselves.

我们自己的贡献包括位于桥头堡两侧的 Foncière des Régions 的两座办公楼。两者中的每一个都将总体规划中的许多独立建筑连接在一起形成一个集群。这些集群中包含的渐进范围的比例在开窗中表现出来,使各个建筑物看起来像俄罗斯套娃。外墙——从René Magritte 汲取灵感——由镜子制成,只留下实际的窗户来彰显自己。
