
停车场改造成城市公共公园 | ODA



The old structure called Playa Gigena, in honor of the equestrian of the same name, located between the hippodrome and the Rosedal de Palermo in Buenos Aires, will now be converted by ODA into a Class A office building and a public park including cafes, restaurants, shops, and a covered parking lot. The partial demolition of the old parking lot has begun on June 28th.

位于布宜诺斯艾利斯的赛马场和巴勒莫玫瑰园之间的旧建筑称为 Playa Gigena,以纪念同名的马术运动员,现在将由官方发展援助改建为 A 级办公楼和一个包括咖啡馆、餐厅在内的公园、商店和带顶棚的停车场。旧停车场的部分拆除工作已于6月28日开始。

The mixed-use project envisioned seeks to recycle 80% of the original skeleton in order to create a building of almost 15,000 square meters. Intending to unite the two neighborhoods previously separated by the older structure, the design will include around 4,000 square meters of public terraces and open green spaces with pedestrian paths and a parking lot for 250 cars.

设想的混合用途项目旨在回收 80% 的原始骨架,以创建近 15000 平方米的建筑。为了将之前被旧结构隔开的两个街区连接起来,该设计将包括约 4000 平方米的公共露台和带人行道的开放绿地和一个可停放 250 辆车的停车场。
