
摩根大通新全球总部大楼, 纽约 | Foster + Partners


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JPMorgan Chase today unveiled the design for its new state-of-the-art global headquarters at 270 Park Avenue, reinforcing its commitment to New York City. The 1,388-foot/423 meter, 60-story skyscraper – designed by Foster + Partners – will be New York City’s largest all-electric tower with net zero operational emissions and exceptional indoor air quality that exceeds the highest standards in sustainability, health and wellness. It will help define the modern workplace with 21st century infrastructure, smart technology and 2.5 million square feet of flexible and collaborative space that can easily adapt to the future of work.

摩根大通今天公布了位于公园大道 270 号的最新全球总部的设计方案,进一步强化了其对纽约市的承诺。这座 1388 英尺/423 米、60 层的摩天大楼由 Foster + Partners 设计,将成为纽约市最大的全电塔,运营净排放为零,室内空气质量超凡,超过可持续性、健康和保健方面的最高标准.它将通过 21 世纪的基础设施、智能技术和 250 万平方英尺的灵活协作空间来定义现代工作场所,这些空间可以轻松适应未来的工作。

The new building will house up to 14,000 employees – replacing an outdated facility designed in the late 1950s for about 3,500 employees. It will offer 2.5 times more outdoor space on the ground level of Park and Madison Avenues, featuring wider sidewalks and a large public plaza on Madison Avenue with natural green space and other amenities geared toward the residents, workers and visitors who frequent the neighborhood on a daily basis.

新大楼将容纳多达 14000 名员工——取代 1950 年代后期为约 3500 名员工设计的过时设施。它将在公园和麦迪逊大道的地面层提供 2.5 倍的户外空间,在麦迪逊大道上设有更宽的人行道和一个大型公共广场,以及自然绿地和其他设施,面向每天经常光顾该社区的居民、工人和游客。

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The concept for the new design was to create a timeless addition to Park Avenue, which celebrates the city’s iconic architectural history and serves as a powerful new symbol for the next generation of office towers in New York. Using a state-of-the-art structural system to negotiate the site constraints below and at ground level, the innovative fan-column structure and triangular bracing allow the building to touch the ground lightly across the entire block. By lifting the building about 80 feet/24 meters off the ground, it extends the viewpoint from the Park Avenue entrance through to Madison Avenue.

新设计的概念是为公园大道创造一个永恒的补充,庆祝这座城市的标志性建筑历史,并成为纽约下一代办公大楼的强大新象征。使用最先进的结构系统来协调地下和地面的场地限制,创新的通风柱结构和三角形支撑使建筑物能够在整个街区轻轻接触地面。通过将建筑物上抬地面约 80 英尺/24 米,它将观景台从公园大道入口延伸到麦迪逊大道。

Sustainable design   可持续设计

270 Park will be New York City’s largest all-electric skyscraper with net zero operational emissions and will be 100% powered by renewable energy sourced from a New York State hydroelectric plant.

270 Park 将成为纽约市最大的全电动摩天大楼,运营排放净为零,并将 100% 由来自纽约州水力发电厂的可再生能源供电。

In addition to operating on net zero carbon emissions, the building will use state-of-the-art building technology and systems to ensure it operates as efficiently as possible, including:


- Intelligent building technology that uses sensors, AI and machine learning systems to predict, respond and adapt to energy needs.

- 使用传感器、人工智能和机器学习系统来预测、响应和适应能源需求的智能建筑技术。

- Advanced water storage and reuse systems to reduce water usage by more than 40%.

- 先进的储水和再利用系统,可将用水量减少 40% 以上。

- Triple pane glazing on the façade and automatic solar shades connected to HVAC systems for greater energy efficiency.

- 外立面的三层玻璃窗和连接到 HVAC 系统的自动遮阳板,以提高能源效率。

- Outdoor terraces featuring natural green space and plantings.

- 带有天然绿地和植物的户外露台。

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SEE MORE (来自)   Foster + Partners

文章分类: 建筑设计办公建筑