
盐田旧墟镇城市更新(国际竞赛胜出方案),深圳 | 10 design



国际建筑师事务所 10 Design (Egis 集团旗下成员) 欣然宣布,其为深圳市盐田区旧墟镇片区城市更新项目打造的设计方案“超锚·浮城”在国际设计竞赛中胜出,将以植根历史、锚定未来的可持续发展愿景将旧墟镇打造为世界级的滨海人居典范与城市休闲目的地。

International architecture practice 10 Design (part of Egis’ Architecture Line) is pleased to unveil its latest winning proposal for the Yantian Old Market Town Urban Renewal Project in Shenzhen, China. Embracing Yantian Old Market Town's rich history and natural beauty, the design sets out a captivating blueprint for a world-class waterfront destination, as well as setting a new standard for sustainable coastal living.


Nestled along the tranquil inner bay of Starling Inlet, Yantian Old Market Town boasts a prime waterfront location near Shenzhen's Yantian Container Terminal. With a rich history dating back to the Qing Dynasty, the area has long been celebrated for its thriving local fisheries and reputation as a seafood lover's paradise. Yantian Old Market Town also serves as a gateway to nature, offering access to numerous hiking trails and popular urban retreats.  


10 Design 以盐田港独特的工业风貌为灵感,提出“超锚”及“浮城”两大设计理念统领项目的总体规划及建筑设计。“超锚”意在以全新规划锚固不同标高层次的山海塘河、港口与城市空间,实现山海一体、人行无界的空间体验;更将藉此锚固墟镇的过去与未来,为未来城市居民的可持续生活方式提供另一种想象。

Driven by the need to enhance the quality of life for residents, the 96,654 square-meter master plan presents a fresh perspective on urban development. By integrating new attractions and public spaces, the plan fosters organic growth while preserving the area's rich cultural legacy and natural resources. With a commitment to serving the public interest, the development aspires to become a 'Super Anchor' for the region, capitalizing on its rich history and abundant resources to create a dynamic, thriving community and a premier waterfront destination.

10 Design 的设计愿景是借助此次城市更新,为旧墟镇的山与海、人与自然、产业与社群建立起联系。通过重新发掘其自然与人文资源,释放地块的多元价值,从而为片区注入活力与发展势能。随着片区的更新完成,旧墟镇将成为顶级滨海旅游休闲目的地和全新的绿色人文生活标杆,为深圳乃至整个粤港澳大湾区打造出享誉国际的全新城市名片。

A series of cultural and art spaces are dotted along the promenade, further enriching the experience. The revitalization plan also encompasses the neighboring fishing village, where aging structures will be transformed into a vibrant leisure and retail district. The area will feature exhibition and performance spaces, boutique stores, hotels, bars, and restaurants, infusing the district with energy and fostering a lively nightlife scene. In keeping with the intimate scale and charm of the existing village, the design encourages exploration along the narrow alleys and typhoon shelter, immersing visitors in the idyllic ambiance and traditional culture of coastal fishing communities.

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占地面积:96,654 平方米 (城市规划研究范围);51,588 平方米 (建筑设计范围)

建筑面积:533,525 平方米 (城市规划研究范围) ;235,537 平方米 (建筑设计范围)


主创建筑设计师:10 Design



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