
上海金融街融泰中心综合体项目竣工开业 | GP



Financial Street Shanghai Railway Station Mixed-Use is a 264,000-square-meter mixed-use complex in Shanghai. The project, developed by Financial Street Holding Co. Ltd., a leading commercial real estate developer based in Beijing, is located on two parcels just north of the Shanghai Railway Station.


The project’s primary western parcel features five main buildings, including 131,000 square meters of office space catering to a variety of tenants, 54,000 square meters of retail, 22,000 square meters of loft apartment space, and a 5,000-square-meter cultural center. The eastern parcel includes a 15,000-square-meter headquarters office building and a complex with 45,000 square meters of loft apartment space above a 15,000-square-meter retail podium.


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The project creates a thriving district center—an urban destination that serves as a highly visible landmark with architecture, landscape and cultural elements fully integrated in order to enhance connectivity and define a true sense of place for the emerging district. Located adjacent to a major railway interchange, the development serves as an “attractor,” drawing people into the district from the city and other transportation hubs. Pedestrian routes above and below grade and multiple bridge links provide strategic connections to the public transportation system, as well as to adjacent parcels, neighboring developments and existing city networks.


GP and Lead8 collaborated on the overall master plan for the two parcels. GP led the planning and design of all the office and residential buildings on the western parcel and developed the exterior design for the office and residential buildings on the eastern parcel. Lead8 directed the planning and design of all the retail podiums on both parcels.


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SIZE:2,841,700 sfsqm total

West Parcel:1,410,100 sfsqm office;581,300 sfsqm retail;236,800 sfsqm loft apartments;53,800 sfsqm cultural center

East Parcel:161,500 sfsqm headquarters office;484,400 sfsqm loft apartments;161,500 sfsqm retail

FEATURES:Retail: Lead8

CLIENT:Financial Street Holdings Co., Ltd.

Photography: © CreatAR