
五矿金融大厦,深圳 | Pei Cobb Freed & Partners



Gently sloping facades give the South China headquarters of Minmetals, one of the world's largest metal and mining companies, adistinctive profile in a new planned business development in Shenzhen's Nanshan district.


Along with extensively landscaped public space andother amenities, the building's iconic design affirms itsstatus as the area's gateway. Resembling wind-filled sails, the arcing north and south facades are balanced by mast-like silhouettes on the other two sides, while exterior lateral bracing recalls a framework of nautical ties and battens.

除了开阔的景观公共空间和其他设施外,该建筑的标志性设计也证实了其作为该地区门户的地位。 弧形的南北立面犹如乘风破浪的帆,由其他两侧的桅杆状轮廓平衡,而外部横向支撑则让人想起航船带和板条的框架。

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Four-story-high porches on the north and south lead to agenerous public open space with a terraced landscape that incorporates water features and public art,integrating active uses on the ground floor with a linked multi-story retail pavilion.


The extensively developed landscape is part of a sustainable strategy that includesa high-efficiency exterior wall, operable windows, andinternal shading devices, all of which contribute to the building's LEED Gold certification.

广阔的景观是可持续战略的一部分,其中包括高效的外墙、可调整的窗户和内部遮阳装置,所有这些都有助于该建筑获得 LEED 金级认证。

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AREA:38,000 ㎡/409,000 ft2

CLIENT:Minmetals Capital (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Associate Architect: Mo Atelier Szeto,Beijing;

Local Design Institute: HuayiDesign Consultants Ltd., Shenzhen;

Structural: Leslie E. Robertson Associates.New York/ Shanghai;

Mechanical /Electrical/Plumbing: Syska HennessyGroup, New York and Shanghai;

lmages:Minmetals Group, Pei Cobb Freed &Partners

来自(SEE MORE)   Pei Cobb Freed & Partners