
腾讯“企鹅岛”住宅设计,深圳 | MVRDV


One of many projects being constructed at the new Tencent campus in Shenzhen's Qianhai bay, the Tencent P5 residential complex comprises 11 apartment towers arranged around four courtyards, as well as an adjacent kindergarten. The project welcomes the company's employees into a cheerful neighbourhood designed with egalitarianism and community in mind.

腾讯大铲湾项目P5住宅区是深圳前海湾腾讯新园区正在建设的众多项目之一,由围绕四个庭院排列的11栋公寓楼以及毗邻的幼儿园组成。 该项目欢迎公司员工来到一个以平等主义和社区为设计理念的愉快社区。

These apartment modules combine to create four clusters of apartment blocks, each arranged around a green courtyard. The buildings are terraced, supporting communal green spaces that can be accessed by all residents. The towers of the buildings rise up from 57 metres to 100 metres in height, positioned in a way that preserves views from the apartments towards the sea to the west and the bay to the east.

这些公寓模块组合起来形成了四个公寓楼群,每个公寓楼都围绕着一个绿色庭院排列。 这些建筑物呈梯田状,支持所有居民均可进入的公共绿地。 大楼的塔楼高度从 57 米至 100 米,其位置可以保留公寓西面大海和东面海湾的景观。

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The fifth block on the site is home to a kindergarten for the families of Tencent employees. This building also takes a courtyard configuration, composed of a series of blocks connected by corridors and walkways. The courtyard, along with the spaces between the blocks, provide safe and shaded playing spaces for the children, while the blocks themselves feature rooftop gardens.

该场地的第五个街区是腾讯员工家属幼儿园的所在地。 该建筑还采用庭院配置,由一系列通过走廊和走道连接的体块组成。 庭院以及街区之间的空间为孩子们提供了安全且阴凉的游戏空间,而街区本身则设有屋顶花园。

The design takes advantage of a number of the masterplan’s smart city features to ensure sustainability. For example, the basement level connects to a campus-wide network of automated vehicles, which can be used not only for personal transit but also for deliveries. The design aims to achieve a three-star Green Building label, China’s highest sustainability certification.

该设计利用了总体规划中智慧城市的一些特征,以确保可持续性。 例如,地下室层连接到整个园区的自动驾驶车辆网络,该网络不仅可用于个人交通,还可用于送货。 该设计旨在获得三星级绿色建筑标签,这是中国最高的可持续发展认证。

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建筑面积:206000 m²

客户:Tencent Technology

功能:教育 , 综合体 , 住宅

效果图: © Atchain