
长沙三湘银行 | PEI Architects


三湘一品开发项目是一个占地 106,138 平方米的新型多功能商业/办公综合体,位于中国中南部湖南省长沙市的滨水区。 该设计所面临的挑战是,如何在一个非常狭窄的场地上实施一个雄心勃勃、要求很高的项目,并对高度和视野有严格的限制。 每栋建筑都有一个独特的屋顶,一个连续的低裙房穿过建筑底部,将整个开发项目和相似而又不同的曲线几何形状统一起来。

The Sanxiang Bank Development in Changsha China is a new 106,138-square-meter mixed-use commercial/office complex set on the waterfront of Changsha in the Hunan province of south-central China. The challenge of this design is to put an ambitious program of high demands on a very narrow site with strict limitations and height visibility. Each building is based on a distinctive rooftop, a continuous low podium that weaves through the base of the buildings unifying the entire development and similar yet different curvilinear geometries.

用户不仅可以在现场直接体验到这些建筑,而且还可以从远处看到它们在城市范围内的地标性建筑。 这些建筑必须具有多维的尺度和视角,无论是从近处还是从河对岸看,都必须引人注目。 PEI 选择赋予每栋建筑独特的个性,与邻近建筑类似的长方形盒子和平顶形成鲜明对比。

The buildings are to be experienced by their users not only directly on site, but also as a visible as a landmark within the urban scale from far away. The buildings have to be compelling in multi-dimensional scales and perspectives from close up and from across the river. PEI chose to give each building a unique character in contrast to neighboring buildings which are similar rectangular boxes with flat rooftops.

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南面的三座塔楼拥有弧形立面,最大限度地露出水面。 塔楼的位置和形状不仅提供了最佳的河岸景观,而且其凸起的立面和尖尖的顶部让人联想到风中的帆船,也是对河岸位置的尊重。

The group of three towers on the south have curving façades that maximize the exposure to the water side. The positioning and shape of the towers not only offer the best views of the riverfront, but their convex façade and pointed top recall the image of sailboats in the wind and pay respect to the site’s location at the riverfront.


To further enhance the similar character of the three main buildings, the connections of podiums and their bases is characterized by façades that open into multi-storied, generous arches that lead the eyes from the ground up into the sky.

作为三湘银行总部的主塔,其设计源于代表稳定和坚固的几何图形。 它将合理、紧凑、高效的规划与旋转、多变的立面相结合,塔楼拔地而起,成为场地北端的主要建筑。

The design of the main tower as the headquarters of the Sanxiang Bank is derived from a geometry that represents stability and solidity. It combines a rational, compact, and efficient plan with a rotated, changing façade as the tower rises to its full height as the dominant building at the northern end of the site.

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尺寸 106 138 平方英尺 平方米/1,142,260 平方米 FT

类别: 商业

来自(SEE MORE)   PEI Architects