
弹性、交通、密度、设计和性能等问题对城市建设和人类体验至关重要。腾讯大铲湾网络城市总体规划在城市设计和景观建筑方面的综合方法强调人与环境,而不是车辆,从而形成了一个互联互通的有机生态体系,为未来城市发展铺平了道路。Throughout the world, modern cities operate from a mentality organized primarily around au...

First prize in the international competition for the refurbishment of the Madrid-Chamartín Clara Campoamor station. The new Madrid-Chamartín Clara Campoamor Station is inserted in an environment th...

为了支持全球最佳医药企业应对全球健康挑战,需要打造能够推动前沿研发和运营的办公空间。我们的获胜方案为中国生物医药行业的领军者之一打造的不单单是多栋建筑,而是整合了全新科学社区的一体化园区,从而促进多领域的科学家、学生、组织和机构交流思想,开展跨机构活动,推动科研知识和产品的探索,造福全球各国人民。Supporting the world’s best pharmaceutical compa...

The new Dongguan Campus of the City University of Hong Kong is a prestigious project in the field of education and research in the Chinese province of Guangdong. The large-scale master plan forms a...

The master plan for the West Bund Financial Hub establishes a major new mixed-use neighborhood on a prominent waterfront site in Shanghai’s Xuhui District.西岸金融城的总体规划在上海徐汇区一个著名的滨水区建立了一个新的大型混合用途社区。Th...

