无锡长三角一体化产学研合作园区位于具有科技创新潜力的无锡惠山区,大概将有一万名学生在这里进行信息科学、机器人技术和工程等领域的专业探索。The new university, with a focus on information technology, robotics, and engineering, will be built in the Huishan district, a d...
领先的跨国公司腾讯,作为全球最有价值的上市公司之一,为其位于“中国硅谷”——深圳的新全球总部制定了雄心勃勃的规划。腾讯以其拥有超过13亿用户的超级应用程序微信而闻名全球,它的新总部将成为规模和形状与曼哈顿中城相当的新城市开发项目的一部分。Leading multinational Tencent, one of the world’s most valuable publicly trade...
充分挖掘了南浦滨江区域的巨大潜能,为这个城市打造了一处新的商业和文化目的地。Realizing the potential of a key riverfront site, our urban design employs a unique approach to historic preservation and redevelopment to create a destination...
In recent years as unicorn tech companies have translated their brand identity into signature headquarters buildings, two typologies have emerged: the egalitarian campus and the powerful, unified i...
Nanjing K.Wah G72 is expected to be one of the most expansive mixed-use developments in the Chinese city. UNStudio was commissioned by the developer K.Wah Group to create a lifestyle, 24/7 destinat...