
上海金鼎平和学校处于城市新的 CBD 中,高达 3.0 的容积率要求、国际化的教学模式和周边高密度的城市环境使其必然成为独特的存在。大多数校园在城市中经营着自己的独立王国,但当校园抛开象牙塔的身份,从城市的观望者变成了城市的参与者,甚至成为城市空间的引领者的时候,其角色也就具有了多种可能。设计者捕捉了这种在校园中罕见的强烈的城市性,以聚集为主题,在这里创造了一座能激发教与学的交流欲望,没有围...

Eliminating the boundaries between the railway station and the city with “TOD 4.0”   以“TOD 4.0”消除火车站与城市的界限Shenzhen Xili is the first “TOD 4.0” project in China that proposes the concept of “integra...

A public exhibition hall named ‘The Orbit’ is taking shape on Shanghai’s West Bund waterfront. This studio has designed the building to be a cultural heart for the new Financial Hub in Xuhui Distri...

2024-11-24 南昌东站 | GMP

新建南昌东站将是南昌市东部TOD(以公共交通为导向的开发)的核心,周边将打造初创企业高品质办公区、商业铺面、文化创意产业空间以及住宅公寓。The station is the centerpiece of a new area in eastern Nanchang developed according to TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) princ...


Built on the site of the former Olympic Velodrome and with Frei Otto and Günther Behnisch’s iconic Olympic Stadium as its neighbour, the new SAP Garden arena is informed by the legacy of its locati...
